End of 'dry' preparations

    End of 'dry' preparations

    Comarch Cracovia's hockey players have completed the second stage of the summer preparation period. The players will have a moment of respite to regenerate before the long-awaited departure on the ice.

    On July 1, the team entered the second part of the summer preparation period for the season. In two training sessions a day, Marek Ziętara's players developed further skills necessary in later specialized training on ice.

    - Everything went according to plan. It can be said that we have fully achieved what we planned for this summer. The second stage was certainly harder than the first, but the boys did their job very well. We are extremely pleased with them, emphasized Pasy's coach, Marek Ziętara.

    The team has nine days of leave to rest. The players will return to Krakow with a full squad on July 29. Then, on the ice surface, they will begin the specialized stage of preparation for the league competition.